Sustainable Food Systems Sourcebook

  • Conferences
  • Black Farmers and Urban Gardeners Conference

Black Farmers and Urban Gardeners Conference

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General info
About BUGS

Black Urban Growers (BUGS) is an organization committed to building networks and community support for growers in both urban and rural settings. Through education and advocacy around food and farm issues, we nurture collective Black leadership to ensure we have a seat at the table.

In November of 2009, Black Urban Growers began organizing and hosting a series of community events with the purpose of starting a conversation around food: Where does it come from? Who is providing it? Why don’t we see more Black farmers at the farmer's markets? What is the relationship between our individual health and the health of our communities, and why does it matter?

Since 2010, we've convened the Black Farmers & Urban Gardeners Conference, a national conference bringing together Black farmers, food justice advocates, educators, chefs and concerned members of Black communities from across the country to share best practices and build a stronger network of Black leadership in the movement for food justice and food sovereignty.