Sustainable Food Systems Sourcebook

American Agricultural Law Association

AALA has been serving the agricultural legal community since 1980.

AALA has been serving the agricultural legal community since 1980.

General info
2017 Annual Educational Symposium

AALA will host its 38th Annual Agricultural Law Symposium on October 26-28, 2017 in Louisville, KY at the Seelbach Louisville Hilton.

The Symposium will once again host national and regional legal and policy experts who will address cutting edge issues in agriculture, natural resources, water, food, environmental and agribusiness law. You will have opportunities to meet and connect with over 250 attendees from across the country. With over 30 breakout sessions, attorneys typically receive between 12-14 hours of CLE credit that have been reported in over 30 states.

AALA will again incorporate law student engagement, present its annual awards and continue to build on our organization’s mission which focuses on the legal needs of the agricultural community.

We look forward to seeing you in Louisville in 2017!