Sustainable Food Systems Sourcebook

Northern Nut Growers Association Research Grants

Research grants to those institutions or individuals doing research on temperate zone tree nuts.

PO Box 489 , Notre Dame, St. Joseph County 46556, United States

Map Location

Research grants to those institutions or individuals doing research on temperate zone tree nuts.

Food Studies
General info
The Northern Nut Growers Association, Inc. (NNGA) is a national non-profit organization with members throughout the US and 15 foreign countries founded in 1910 to share information on nut tree growing. Our members include beginning nut culturists, farmers, amateur and commercial nut growers, experiment station workers, horticultural teachers and scientists, nut tree breeders, nurserypeople, and foresters.

The NNGA membership meets at a different site once a year, generally in July or August. We visit local amateur and commercial orchards, experimental and research sites; nurseries and nut processing plants. There are lectures on all aspects of growing nut trees for the hobbyist and for the commercial nut grower. Both amateurs and professional experts are always on hand to share their knowledge and experience. There are demonstrations of grafting, advice on which nut cultivars to choose for individual climate and soil condition, nut evaluations and displays of equipment and new products. Several members usually donate nuts for cracking and eating.