Sustainable Food Systems Sourcebook

Grow More, Waste Less | Food Systems Consulting, LLC

Grow more, waste less

Sharon, Windsor County 05065, United States

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Grow more, waste less

Food Studies
Consulting Services
General info

Cat Buxton promotes food system change through education and advocacy, working with individuals, schools, community groups and statewide organizations.

Our food systems are in trouble, affecting the health of our communities planet-wide. We can address these complex problems and make a difference one meal and one landscape at a time. From behavior change to climate change, local food to global food, grassroots organizing to legislative policy making, Cat is all about empowering people to affect the necessary changes to restore health to people and planet through individual daily actions.

Cat is a life long gardener and environmental activist. She feels that everyone should and can have access to healthy food and soil. Cat is a consultant and an effective and enthusiastic teacher, presenter and community organizer. She is the garden manager for Thetford Elementary School’s edible schoolyard, a project she co-founded in 2007. She coordinated the education programs for Cedar Circle Farm & Education Center from 2007-2014 leading farm tours, planning events large and small, teaching, pioneering farm to school programs and community gardens, and promoting food policy through grassroots organizing. She is the field organizer for the Vermont Right To Know Coalition who championed Vermont’s first-in-the-nation GMO food labeling law in 2014. She won the 2015 Jack Cook Award at the NOFA-VT Winter Conference for her work in ‘Growing The Good Food Movement.’ She teaches classes and offers consultations throughout the Upper Valley and beyond.

Cat lives in the hills of Sharon, Vermont with her husband, three cats, and lots of plants. She prefers to consult, advocate, present, and teach locally but could be inspired to travel if the time is right and the work is exciting!